digital photography assignment



Digital photography is a process that uses optical sensors, much like a digital camera,

to take pictures. To assure the quality of the images shot in the realm of digital photography,

three fundamental elements must be taken care of. The first is shutter speed, which refers to the

rate or pace at which the camera sensor's blades open. The sensor is exposed to light for a longer

period of time the longer the blade is open. The image's outcome is not crisp, gentle, or bright.

The sensor is exposed to light less as the blade opens more quickly. The final image is dark and

crisp. Second, ISO (International Standard Organization) refers to the camera's control over the

sensor's sensitivity to light conditions. The quality of the photographs will decrease as the ISO

rises, but they will still be bright and useful in some circumstances. The quality of an image

increases with lower ISO. Finally, the aperture is the camera lens blade that regulates how much

light enters the lens so that it may be exposed to the camera sensor. A wide aperture will increase

the amount of light reaching the sensor and result in a narrow depth of field. The sensor will be

exposed to less light and have a greater depth of field when the aperture is tiny.

1. Aperture

    a. shallow depth of field


  b. deep depth of field

2. Shutter speed

    a. stop motion


 b. blur motion


In conclusion, digital photography has greatly impacted contemporary society and expanded employment and professional options. An equal exposure value for a given setting is produced by adding the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. The final image will differ if any one of these components is changed. By modulating the sensor's sensitivity, the aperture regulates the amount of light. The shutter speed regulates the duration of light using time. By adjusting the sensitivity of the sensor, the ISO regulates the amount of light. Photographers can capture better-exposed pictures by considering the three crucial elements that go into a good exposure and how they connect to one another.


In photography, composition refers to the positioning of elements within the frame and how they

interact with one another. Finally, composition is concerned with the visual structure of your

image. The composition of your photograph influences how others perceive it. When you choose

what to include and exclude from the frame, where to place each element, and so on, you're

capturing a scene with your own vision. In photography, composition refers to the placement of

elements within the frame and how they interact with one another. Finally, composition is

concerned with the visual structure of your image. The composition of your photograph

influences how others perceive it. When you choose what to include and exclude from the frame,

where to place each element, and so on, you're capturing a scene with your own vision. You

should work hard to create images that capture attention and deliver your message. In general,

good pictures are the result of careful attention to some basic composition elements, along with

appropriate lighting and interesting subjects. You can incorporate the basic rules of composition

into the way you see with your camera if you understand them. The basic elements of

composition are rule of thirds, fill the frame, simplification, leading lines, horizontal lines,

vertical lines, diagonal lines, leaving space, balancing elements, creative with colors, symmetry

and patterns, viewpoint and framing.

1. the rule of third

2. fill the frame

3. simplification

4. line

    a. leading line

    b. horizontal line

    c. vertical line

    d. diagonal line

5. leaving space

6. balancing element

7. creative with color

8. symmetry

9. viewpoint

10. framing


The definition of composition is straightforward. It refers to the placement of subjects and elements in

frame. It is significant because it serves as the glue that holds all other photography fundamentals

together. A photograph is chaotic without a composition. The application of all of these composition

rules is determined by the purpose of the photograph. Photography is a language, and before we "write,"

we should know what we want to say and who our "readers" are. This is critical. The rules of

photography composition are the language tools at our disposal. The art of composition is a rewarding

aspect of photography. It allows the photographer to connect with the viewer by depicting motion, story,

and mood. Composition grants the photographer control over all design elements in a scene. Experience

is required to determine which technique to employ at the appropriate time.


Creative photography is a technique in which you use your photography skills to transform

ordinary moments into creative arts by combining different shapes, colours, and forms. This type of

photography necessitates a distinct way of seeing things and projecting an innovative image that has

been altered from reality. It also allows you to try out new ideas and create visually appealing imagery.

In creative photography, you use an element on purpose to enhance the uniqueness of your image. The

aspect could be the result of a simple workflow you used to create that one-of-a-kind image or a

complex post-processing technique that enhances the mood and texture of your image. For example, in

addition to getting a perfect exposure in the camera, you should consider ways to incorporate a

perspective into the image. This gives it a creative appearance and distinguishes it from traditional


1. Night street photography

2. Light trails

3. Night portrait

4. Zoom burst

5. Night photography


In conclusion, using night photography allows us to capture the world in a completely new way.

Images of a landscape, a building, a road, or the night sky taken after dusk have a deeper emotional

quality, sense of emptiness, and sense of abandonment than images taken at the same location during the

day. Both ISO 3200 and ISO 6400 are suitable for night photography. The best option when shooting at

night is unquestionably shooting in raw format. When it comes to adjusting color temperature, removing

noise, and many other factors, raw images will perform best during post-processing. Color can be

captured in night photography regardless of ambient light levels. The camera gives us the ability to see

our shadowy surroundings in a very different way than our eyes do. When we take nighttime photos, we

can capture the night's vibrant colors. 
