You Are The Reason Visual Communication Analysis


We use visual communication every day to comprehend our environment. Visual literacy can be mostly achieved by understanding the messages contained in the visual components. Icons and symbols, colours and shapes, and moving graphic elements could all be seen in the video clip. Visual communication is the sharing of information through the use of photographs and other visuals. A music video is a short film that combines a song with visuals and is produced for marketing or artistic purposes to help promote the sale of music albums. Most people's lives now include a significant amount of music in some way. It is played everywhere, including at grocery stores, malls, companies, and even schools, so it cannot be separated from daily life. Music has evolved into one of many media used to communicate messages from one person to another, whether those messages are expressed explicitly in the lyrics, subtly in the verses and chorus, or simply through the music's beat.

In this analysis music video is going to focus on a pop video by one of the greatest singer
in the industry by the stage name of Calum Scott. Based from my observation, there are three
theories of visual communication which are perceptive theory, semiotic visual theory and rhetoric
visual theory to analyze and rationalize. Perception theory describes the brain’s ability to
comprehend sensory data. Sensing organs including the nose, ear, and eye are well equipped to
gather environmental data. The sensory system, which receives sensory data and transmits it to the
brain, is made up of all of the sense organs. There are two fundamental parts to semiotic visual
theory. The signifier, which gives a word or image meaning, comes first. The signified, which
prompts a visual image or individual interpretation, comes in second. Three different kinds of
signifiers include icons, symbols, and indices. There are two distinct sorts of signified include
denotation and connotation. The study of visual imagery within the field of rhetoric is known as
rhetorical visual theory. Rhetoric, which is an ancient term for what we now call communication,
is a field of knowledge that dates back to classical Greece. Within this centuries-old profession,
visual rhetoric is a new area of study.

The perception theory can be applied to music video “You Are The Reason” by Calum
Scott. Audiences get information and then process it using various brain parts. The founder of
visual perception theory, Hermann Bon Helmhotz claimed that vision was a form of unconscious
inference. Perception allows audiences to operate within environment as well as create experience
around them. Perception is important to understanding human decision-making because everyone

views life situations and decisions differently. The video's message shows Calum battling the end
of a romance. He wished he could turn back time so he could be with his lover once more, but it
appears that it is too late. For example, Calum says in the chorus that he would do anything in the
world to reunite with his sweetheart and mend what is broken. It is quite evident that Calum regrets
what he done and begs his sweetheart to get better.

Semiotic visual theory is the study of how images convey meaning and a branch of
semiotics concerned with visual sign. Ferdinand de Saussure, Roland Barthes and Charles Sanders
Peirce proposed semiotic visual theory in 1916 and there are three key principles to remember
which are semiotician believe all people see the world through signs, the meaning of sign is created
by people and semiotic systems provide people with variety of resources. Semiotic visual theory
has two main components. First, there's the signifier, which gives a word or image meaning, and
the signified, which elicits a mental image or personal interpretation of the signifier. Icons,
symbols, and indices are three different types of signifiers. Denotation and connotation are two
further components of the signified. The example of semiotic visual theory is a man with a
pregnant lady become emotionally overwhelmed and develop a longing to have a baby. A new
baby is like the beginning of all things- wonder, hope and dream of possibilities.

Rhetoric visual theory is the study of visual imagery within the discipline of rhetoric.
Rhetoric is a body of knowledge that stretches back to classical Greece and is concerned with the
study of how people communicate using symbols in the most basic sense, rhetoric is an ancient
term for what we now call communication. Visual rhetoric is a relatively recent subject of study
within this centuries-old profession. Calum Scott is exaggerating because no one can climb every
mountain or swim every ocean. Calum Scott promises that he would make that relationship work.
It takes effort from both partners to make a relationship lasting.
In conclusion, whether those messages are presented blatantly in the lyrics, discreetly in
the verses and chorus, or simply through the music's beat, music has grown into one of many media
used to communicate messages from one person to another. Music is important and incredibly
effective and efficient if individuals can use it effectively. Music is purposefully created to shape
various elements of our lives. Music video play their role in our media and cultural environment.
There is no doubt that moving images or music video today have become an integral part of pop
music. Communication with images has three benefits. First of all, visual communication saves
time. It takes a long time to convey knowledge orally and in writing. However, it is possible to
reach a vast number of receivers. Second, quick decision-making is facilitated by visual
communication. The target audience prefers visual communication when speaking with others.
Thirdly, there is a growing interest in visual communication. People do not enjoy spending time
reading lengthy explanations or listening to speeches.


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