a.      Definition media

Radio, television, newspapers, the Internet, and magazines, considered as a group: can be followed by a singular or plural verb

b.     Origin and usage of media

The word media is a plural form of the Latin word ‘medium’ meaning ‘middle ground or intermediate’. Its usage as a word to describe newspapers, radio and other sources of information likely derives from the term ‘mass media’ which was a technical term used in the advertising industry from the 1920s on.

c.      Media

·       also refer to the physical equipment used to store electronic files (like CDs or DVDs, portable hard drives, etc.)

·       The word media refers to any form of communication that delivers information. Common media outlets include newspapers, radio, television, magazines and internet sources like blogs or online publications.

·       Today, ‘social media’ is a term that many people are familiar with; this describes information distributed on social networking websites.

·       In the past, the media was mostly limited to newspapers, magazines and other printed publications. Technology helped to advance the media and expand the options for people to get their daily news and information, first on the radio and then on television. Now, many millions of people rely on the internet to get their news and online media outlets have become very popular all over the world

·       Media’ is the plural form of ‘medium’ –meaning a channel of communication to carry a message to a mass audience or targeted group.

d.     The evolution of media

                                                    i.     The birth of media

Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the movable type printing press in movable type printing press in the mid-1400s

                                                  ii.     Early evolution

Early 1600s - the first newspapers began to appear in Europe

                                                iii.     The 20th century

·       The early (radio)

·       Middle century (TV)

·       The end (Cable TV)

                                                iv.     The 21st century

The Internet revolution

e.      Types of media

                                                    i.     Traditional

·       Traditional media is a term often used to refer to channels of communication that were well-established before the Internet Age

·       Example: books, newspapers, radio, television, magazines

                                                  ii.     New media

·       New media is a catch-all term used for various kinds of electronic communications that are conceivable due to innovation in computer technology. In contrast to “old” media, which includes newspapers, magazines, books, television and other such non-interactive media, new media is comprised of websites, online video/audio streams, email, online social platforms, online communities, online forums, blogs, Internet telephony, Web advertisements, online education and much more.

                                                iii.     Multimedia

·       A multimedia production combines various forms of media into a single, cohesive product

·       Multimedia has numerous applications in the modern world

·       The terms ‘multimedia’ was first used in the 1960

·       Example: graphic, video, interactivity, presentation, games, virtual reality applications, animation, photo, audio, text

                                                iv.     Digital media

·       Digital media indicates the use of computer technology to combine various forms of media

·       Digital Media is electronic media that works using digital codes to create digital audio, digital video or other digital content

·       This is in contrast to analog media, older technology which uses a continuous signal.

·       The term is sometimes used interchangeably with Multimedia, but it more specifically refers to electronic media that works using digital codes rather than to analog signals.

·       Example: presentations, tutorials, simulations, games, web pages


a.      Concepts

                                                    i.     Every medium has its own ‘language’ – or combination of languages – that it uses to communicate meaning.

                                                  ii.     Television, for example, uses verbal and written language as well as the languages of moving images and sound. We call these ‘languages’ because they use familiar codes and conventions that are generally understood.

                                                iii.     Particular kinds of music or camera angles may be used to signal particular emotions, for example; a page of a newspaper or a sequence of shots in a film will be put together using a certain kind of ‘grammar’.

                                                iv.     By analyzing these languages, we can come to a better understanding of how media make meaning.

b.     Looking at media languages means looking at

                                                    i.     Meaning

                                                  ii.     Conventions

                                                iii.     Codes

                                                iv.     Genres

                                                  v.     Choices

                                                vi.     Combinations

c.      Communication system

                                                    i.     Information source input transducer

·       Audio, image, text, data

·       Converts source to electric signal (microphone, camera)

                                                  ii.     Transmitter

·       Converts electrical signal into form suitable for channel

·       Modulator, amplifier

                                                iii.     Channel

·       Medium used to transfer signal from transmitter to receiver.

·       wire lines, fiber optic cable, atmosphere, often adds noise/ weakens & distorts signal

                                                iv.     Receiver

·       Extracts an estimate of the original transducer output

·       Demodulator, amplifier

                                                  v.     Output transducer

·       Converts electric signal to useable form

·       Speaker, monitor

d.     Codes & conventions

                                                    i.     What are codes

Codes are systems of signs, which create meaning. Codes can be divided into two categories:

Technical: tell the story in a media text

Symbolic: a character’s action shows how the character is feeling

                                                  ii.     What are conventions

Conventions are the generally accepted ways of doing something. General convention is interviewee quotes in print article. Conventions also genre specific

                                                iii.     How codes and conventions apply in media studies

Codes and conventions are used together in any study of genre. It is not enough to discuss a technical code used such as camera work, without saying how it is conventionally used in a genre

                                                iv.     Technical codes

• Technical codes are codes that are specific to a media form and do not live outside of them

• our understanding of different camera shots and their connotations make sense when we look and films and photographs, but mean nothing to us outside of those forms.

• Technical codes in media include Camerawork, Editing, Audio and Lighting.

                                                  v.     Symbolic codes

• The codes live outside the media product themselves, but would be understood in similar ways in the ‘real life’ of the audience

• if you saw somebody receive a red rose in a film, you would assume there is a romantic relationship between the two characters.

• Symbolic codes in media include setting, mise en scene, acting and colour.

                                                vi.     Written codes

• written codes can be used to advance a narrative, communicate information about a character or issues and themes in the media product.

• Written codes include printed language which is text you can see within the frame and how it is presented, and also spoken language, which includes dialogue and song lyrics

                                               vii.     Verbal language

In media areas such as television, radio and film.

How the language is delivered and its context used are important factors in the way meaning is generated for the audience.

                                             viii.     Written language

In print-based media, also in text such as captions for photographs.

The language chosen generates meaning.

Captions allow the publication to present a story in a particular way.

                                                ix.     Non-verbal language

This is in terms of body language: gestures and actions.

The meaning received by the audience is seen through how the actor uses their body.

                                                  x.     Visual language

Television and film.

What is on the screen has been chosen specifically to generate a series of effects and meanings (semiotics).

Specific camera angles and movement are chosen to tell the story and meaning of that scene.

                                                xi.     Aural language

Diegetic/non-diegetic sound.

Sound can help create a scene and construct the environment, atmosphere and mood.

The aural language of a media text can also help us to define the genre of a piece.

                                               xii.     Semiotics



·       Media analysis studies texts: books, letters, videos, television shows, blogs, movies, newspapers, etc. It looks directly at media texts (rather than interviewing media producers) and reflects on what they collectively say about an issue.

·       Media analysis is the study of “what is said on a given subject in a given place at a given time” within the media


·       Referring to the new media, we will think of digital technologies, such as the Internet, computer multimedia, video games, augmented reality and so on.

·       However, new media does not include analogue broadcast, paper-based publications and other traditional media, unless they contain technologies that enable digital interactivity.

·       Thus, a lot of media are digital upgrade version of the traditional media, such as digital broadcasting, digital TV, etc. New media is just a relative concept, because of this, we also often hear some associated media concepts, such as digital media, mobile media, network media, all media, and so on



                                                    i.     Who

                                                  ii.     What

                                                iii.     Which

                                                iv.     Whom

                                                  v.     What


                                                    i.     Text

·       Refers to all the media that contained a specific subject

·       The text is the thing you look at while conducting your analysis.

·       Neuman (1997) describes a text as: “anything written, visual, or spoken that serves as a medium for communication”.

·       Usually, we try to look at a wide range of texts within a defined period of time (say, maybe all superhero movies in 2020; or, all newspaper articles published in national newspapers about Trump in July 2020). This helps increase the validity of the analysis.

·       Example: newspaper articles, books, email chains, television shows, advertisements, movies, blogs

                                                  ii.     Content

·       Refers to the message delivered or the meaning of the content in the media

·       The content is the ‘stuff’ that you analyse within the text. Neuman (1997, p. 273) defines content as “words, meanings, pictures, symbols, ideas, themes, or any message that can be communicated.”

·       To analyse this content, we might count the amount of positive versus negative statements about someone, how a camera frames someone as powerful or weak, the amount of time someone is given to speak, and so forth.

·       Categories:

a.      Written: words, sentences, paragraphs

b.     Sonic/audible: spoken words, music, sound effects

c.      Visual: images, pictures, color schemes, camera angles, facial expressions

d.     Motive: the pace at which things move, the direction they move


·       Semiotics’ is the study of signs and symbols. It was invented by Ferdinand de Saussure who explored how ‘signs’ create ‘meaning’.

·       ‘Social semiotics’ is a more contemporary approach, which not only looks at signs. It also looks at how signs get their meaning from culture.

·       For example, a red octagon doesn’t naturally mean ‘Stop sign’. But, in our culture, we know that it nearly always means that because it’s the meaning

our culture gave to the sign.

·       A social semiotic analysis would then create a group of themes to discuss. A theme might be: “Women are represented as powerful in this text.” Another might be: “Most dental advertisements use scientific language to convince viewers.”

                                                    i.     Sounds

                                                  ii.     Words

                                                iii.     Images


·       Discourse analysis explores discourses (messages circulating in society). It was created by Michel Foucault in the 1970s. It has become a very popular way of examining media texts to figure out how power is reproduced through media bias.

·       It wants to explore how media silences some people and empowers others. Here are some unique aspects of a discourse analysis to look out for when looking at media:

                                                    i.     Who is silenced by the text

When closely examining your texts, think about who is absent in the text. This means not just looking at what’s said and shown. You also need to look at what isn’t said. What’s not shown is just as important as what is shown.

                                                  ii.     What wo silences say about the message

Once you know what isn’t said and shown, what can you infer from this? Is the media conveniently excluding certain points because they don’t adhere to capitalist consumer society? Are marginalized groups and their views missing from mainstream media?

                                                iii.     What is presumed as untrue within media messages

According to discourse analysis, truth is produced by discourse (the messages that circulate in society). So, discourse analysis critiques what is presumed to be true and untrue within media and how this might change over time


a.      Strengths

                                                    i.     It helps to show how media contributes to social and cultural biases which could marginalize some members of society.

                                                  ii.     It helps us reflect on power relationships

                                                iii.     It can create a case to media departments about how best to advertise a product in the marketplace.

b.     Weaknesses

                                                    i.     There is so much media these days that it’s hard to get a snapshot of the whole media landscape.

                                                  ii.     Cannot provide broad generalizations


·       Process of collecting data from social media channels and drawing actionable conclusions

·       Based on the data you already have from previous posts, interactions with followers, earlier social media campaigns

·        Based on the data on two sources information which is deeper look and analyze the result

·       Analyze the social media presence of competitors. Allow to prepare a benchmarking dossier and have general idea of what works and doesn’t

a.      Listening project

                                                    i.     Identify name, campaign hashtag and term related

b.     Things to look at when analyzing social media

                                                    i.     The volume of mentions

                                                  ii.     Sentiment

c.      Benefits of social media analysis

                                                    i.     Improve social media strategy

                                                  ii.     Understand audience

                                                iii.     Spy on competitors

                                                iv.     Establish the direction in which industry is headed



·       are the ways in which the media portrays particular groups, communities, experiences, ideas, or topics from a particular ideological or value perspective.

·       The media seldom overly states a fact about what is real and how people should view something. It alludes and inferences certain ideologies through its use of language, portrayal of events/ people. The way the media goes about putting across certain type of message about people/things without directly saying it.

a.      Forms of representation

                                                    i.     Radio segments

                                                  ii.     Newspaper articles

                                                iii.     Magazines

                                                iv.     Photographs

                                                  v.     Films

                                                vi.     Television programs

b.     Key areas

                                                    i.     People of color

                                                  ii.     LGBT people

                                                iii.     People with a range of body shapes and types

                                                iv.     People of non-Christian religions

c.      Key terms of representations

                                                    i.     Construction

·       Refers to the way a media put it together

·       stands out in the advertisement is the color, the lighting, and the objects within the frame

                                                  ii.     Mediation

·       Refers to the process that a media material undergoes before reaching an audience

·       like most advertisements, went through a rigorous process of mediation: a lengthy transaction between a client, an advertising agency, a graphic artist, a photographer, a researcher, and the like

                                                iii.     Selection

·       Refers to the process of selecting content for media material

·       typical content ideas like a colorful photo

                                                iv.     Anchorage

·       Refers to the words used to give images a certain meaning

                                                  v.     Stereotypes

·       Refers to the oversimplified representation of a person or thing

                                                vi.     Ideology

·       Refers to the set of opinions or beliefs expressed through a media material

·       freshness and simplicity are the most valuable aspects of a product. What makes this advertisement more effective is the way it upholds the stereotype of freshness and simplicity equated to good

d.     How each of the key factors play a heart


·       Producers create a sense of ‘realism’ through repetition and come natural and unmediated.

·       Audience itself is part of this acceptance process and differentially marked in relation to their demographic factors

a.      Things to take into account when analysing representation

                                                    i.     Semiotics foregrounds the process of representation.

                                                  ii.     Reality is always represented - what we treat as 'direct' experience is 'mediated by perceptual codes. Representation always involves the construction of 'reality.

                                                iii.     All texts, however 'realistic' they may seem to be, are constructed representations rather than simply transparent 'reflections', recordings,

transcriptions or reproductions of a pre-existing reality.

                                                iv.     Representations which become familiar through constant re-use come to feel 'natural' and unmediated.

                                                  v.     Representations require interpretation - we make modality judgements about them, drawing on our experience of the world and of television. For instance, when we watch something we categorise it to fact or fiction, actuality or acting. live or recorded, and we assess the possibility or plausibility of the events depicted or the claims made in it.

                                                vi.     Representation is unavoidably selective, foregrounding some things and backgrounding others. Realists focus on the correspondence of representations to 'objective reality (in terms of 'truth', 'accuracy and 'distortion), whereas constructivists focus on whose realities are being represented and whose are being denied.

b.     Things to consider when analysing media representation

                                                    i.     Images

images can create either a positive or negative portrayal of a situation, as photographs in particular are very literal and can show exactly what's taking place, and drawings can illustrate a mood well. It's possible to analyse an image in the media for signifiers to determine whether the situation it's representing is good or bad. For instance, if the lighting used in a photograph is dark and gloomy, there is a suggestion that the situation is a negative one.

                                                  ii.     Sound/music

media texts represent social 'worlds' through their use of music. Music is used most often in media texts to represent an area of the world, and relies on the audience's prior knowledge of certain types of music to be able to make a connection.

                                                iii.     Intertextuality

media representations also depend on audiences' knowledge of intertextual links between the current texts and other previous texts using the same images, language, sounds, or logos.

c.      Guiding principles

Media representation is EVERYTHING. It is very important that the media represents everyone! Big, small, short, tall, black, and white are all characteristics that define people in today's society and it is important that all of those aspects be

represented to inspire others in the world


a.      What is stereotype

                                                    i.     Definition

tendency to categorize and make assumptions about others based on identified characteristics such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality socio-economic status examples as job interviews, teachers,

store owners

                                                  ii.     Occurred when

a person ascribes the collective characteristics associated with a

particular group to every member of that group, discounting individual characteristics.

                                                iii.     Simple definition

a fixed idea that many people have about a thing or a group that may often

be untrue or only partly true

b.     Types of stereotypes

                                                    i.     Gender

• Men are strong and do all the work.

• Men are the "backbone."

• Women aren't as smart as a man.

• Women can't do as good of a job as a man.

                                                  ii.     Culture

• All Arabs and Muslims are terrorists.

• All people who live in England have bad teeth.

• Italian or French people are the best lovers.

• All Asians are good at math. All Asians like to eat rice and drive slow.

                                                iii.     Race

• Chinese are hardworking

• Indian good at hockey game

• Malays are not punctual

                                                iv.     Group of individuals

• All librarians are women who are old, wear glasses, tie a high bun, and have a perpetual frown on their face.

• All teenagers are rebels.

• All children don't enjoy healthy food.

• Only anorexic women can become models.

c.      Stereotypical representation

These are a simplified representation of a person, groups of people or a place, through basic or obvious characteristics - which are often exaggerated. For

example, Vicky Pollard from Little Britain is a stereotypical example of a working-class teenage girl.

d.     Counter stereotype

An idea or object that goes against a standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment

An ad that shows a man happily cooking in the kitchen is one example of a counter-stereotypical narrative



a.      Gender representation (female)

• The representation of gender is a powerful code in media texts.

• Representations of women in the media have developed and changed with time to reflect the cultural and sociological changes in society. However, female stereotypes continue to appear in some media texts.

• Representations of women are often defined by how men see women (termed the 'male gaze'), or by how society expects women to look and behave.

• Many representations of women concentrate on sexuality and emotions. Others focus on their relationships with their children or romantic partners.

b.     Gender representation (male)

• Representations of men have changed over the past two decades with the emergence of the 'new man' or 'metrosexual', a man in touch with his feminine side and interested in romance, fashion, health and fitness.

• However, the main focus is still on the traditional idea of masculinity which is strong, heroic, with the ability to outsmart life's problems and survive against all odds.

• This kind of masculine representation is seen in action-adventure characters such as James Bond or Indiana Jones.

• Sometimes this heroic representation of masculinity is challenged in action-adventures. In Skyfall, we see an ageing James Bond, a more vulnerable hero. This is a more realistic representation of masculinity and age.

c.      Representation of age

• When media texts represent people, they can be categorized according to age, however it is easy to fall into stereotypical caricatures of lazy teenagers or grumpy old people.

• Today it can be difficult to pigeon-hole people into age groups, as the boundaries are becoming more blurred – for example, video games are just as likely to be played by middle-aged adults as teenagers.

                                                    i.     Young people

• Young people are often represented negatively in media texts, which can cause controversy and stimulate debate.

• During the London riots, British young people were portrayed by the print media as dangerous and hostile. This representation was based on the actions of a small number of people and created an unfair stereotype.

• When young people appear in positive representations in newspapers, it is often because they have done something out of the ordinary, such as an heroic act or an impressive sporting achievement.

• Positive representations of young people in the media are much less frequent because positive representations are not as dramatic or entertaining.

                                                  ii.     Older people

• Representations of older people tend to focus on things like deafness, grumpiness and not being as able as they once were. This creates a stereotype of old age

• The process of growing old is not always represented positively by the media with many adverts for anti-ageing products representing ageing as something to be challenged or if possible reversed.

d.     Ethnic, national and regional identity

• Ethnic, national or regional identity is reinforced or undermined by how it is represented in the media.

• Example, The United Kingdom is an ethnically diverse country; however this diversity is not always reflected in the media.

• On TV, film, and on the front of glossy magazines, non-white faces are often under-represented.

• Many people confuse ethnicity and race.

• Ethnicity is defined by culture, national customs, language or beliefs.

• Race can mean physical characteristics that may be related to skin colour or other physiological features.

• The media’s representation of ethnicity can prove very powerful as it could be the only experience of other cultures that some audiences will encounter.

• If all representation of ethnicity in the media were balanced this would not be a problem. However many representations can rely on negative stereotypes which may adversely affect the way others then perceive a particular ethnic culture.

• National identity is based on the features of a specific country - its culture, traditions, language and politics.

• Regional identity is also based on geographical area but can be quite broad (someone could be from the North or the South of England) or more specific (they could be Glaswegian or Cornish).

• Representations of national and regional identity often focus on certain stereotypical characteristics and customs associated with the nation or region. For example, that the French are romantic, Italians are the best cooks or the Irish are friendly.

• Stereotypical representations can include the costume or dress of a particular place, for instance in Emmerdale

Zak Dingle wears a flat cap and wellies showing he is a farmer from a rural area.

• Accents and dialects can also be used to represent a particular national or regional identity. The main soaps in the UK feature distinct accents – Coronation Street is set in Manchester; Emmerdale is set in the Yorkshire Dales and Eastenders is set in the East End of London.

e.      Issues and events

• As well as representing groups of people, the media also construct representations of issues that are important in society.

• Issues are important subjects or topics that people discuss and debate.

• Issues can include things like education, poverty or body image and can often be controversial – like immigration, LGBT rights or climate change.

• Media representations of controversial issues can be very influential especially if they are the only opinion on a certain subject that a person reads or hears.

• Events like war, accidents, terrorist attacks, political or celebrity scandals, sporting occasions or criminal trials can all be represented by different media texts in different ways.

• When analysing how an event is represented, it is important to think about how the representation has been constructed and what might affect it.

• Always consider:

• The ideology of the media text: different newspapers have different ideologies or editorial stances that might affect how an event is portrayed. This can be particularly noticeable in political events like elections when some newspapers support certain parties.

• Codes and Conventions: The mode of address, technical, visual and audio codes, as well as any images used will all affect the representation of an event. The same photo with a different caption can create a very different representation of the same event.

• Mediation: The representation will have been constructed with certain information selected by the media producer. In a gossip magazine there might be an article about a celebrity not looking their best however the context of the photos selected might not be mentioned - they may have been at the gym or be unwell, which would explain why they don’t look perfect. Often the information that has been left out can be as important as what has been included.

• The target audience: Who the media text is aimed at will affect how certain events are represented. For instance, a quality newspaper and tabloid newspaper will represent the immigration debate in very different ways.


a.      Camera shots and angles

• A low angle camera shot can make someone seem more powerful and in control than they really are.

• A high angle shot of the same person may make them seem less important or influential.

b.     Editing

• Media producers can manipulate the emotions of the audience by representing certain characters or situations through editing.

• For a documentary style reality show, like Tiger King, many hours of film footage may have been recorded, but this footage is edited down to fill a one hour


• How it is edited will determine how the characters are represented and how the audience respond to them.

c.      Audio codes

• The representation of a person or fictional character can be influenced through their dialogue; if they use slang or speak with a strong accent, audiences will

respond to that person in a very different way than someone who speaks perfect English without the trace of an accent.

• Music can also influence representation in a media text. In a film scene, where a character is walking down a street, a slow, somber piece of music will create a very different representation to a cheerful, upbeat tune.

d.     Visual codes

• Iconography (the visual images or symbols that appear in a scene) can influence representation

• For example, iconography can have a big impact on a representation of femininity – a character carrying a briefcase and wearing a smart suit creates a very different representation of femininity than a character carrying a changing bag and pushing a buggy..


a.      Layout and design

b.     Language and mode of address

c.      Camera shots and angles in any photographs

d.     Visual codes

e.      Anchorage




1. Introduction
Organizations have a sizable social media presence and frequently post about topics of user interest. For the banking sector, social media frequently means using data rather than sharing it, finding new data sources, getting new insights, and finding new methods to communicate with clients. An active social media presence aids banks in connecting with customers, offering value, promoting sales, and boosting engagement. It enables users to stay in touch with pertinent information, ensure that the data they gather is correct, and come from a variety of sources. Customers can find it advantageous to work with a bank that can communicate with them on social media. Organizations have a duty to utilize social media to gain a bigger competitive edge within their sectors and to enhance performance outcomes over time. Through social media, the organization can reach out to various population segments and give them a voice in determining tone, language, purpose, and content. It's crucial to weigh their possibilities for expanding social media and to be aware of the crucial aspects of social media for advancing organizational performance. There are currently eight local commercial banks operating in Malaysia, and practically all of them have Facebook accounts. The Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute reported in 2011 that the main goals of the banks in Malaysia's use of social media were to engage with their customers, improve customer experience and
service level, develop new products, improve the organization's reputation, put promotion strategies into place, and develop transparency strategy. This report investigates the social media presence of Commerce International Merchant Bankers Berhad and Malaysian Banking Berhad (Maybank) (CIMB). This report will look at how they utilize social media and analyze the language and tone they use, the audience they are trying to reach, the message they are trying to convey, the successful and failed posts, and any advice that they can give.

2. The Social Media Analysis
Malaysian Banking Berhad (Maybank)
1) The tone and language used
The languages of moving visuals and sounds are used in Maybank's social media posts along with spoken and textual language. They adhere to widely recognised codes and conventions. Users can learn how media conveys meaning by examining the voice and vocabulary employed on Maybank's social media. To highlight the distinctive features and value of its product, Maybank makes use of graphics and visuals. As an illustration, their brand's emblem is a Malaysian tiger head. In order to connect with their market base, the image is meant to convey confidence and nobleness.
2) Target audiences
In their social media posts, Maybank focuses on appealing to families and young professionals. Individuals with bank accounts are the target market for Maybank's social media. To set up their account so they may withdraw money from it effortlessly, businesses can use online banking. Maybank has 22 million customers. At least 100,000 MAE e-wallet users between the ages of 18 and 32 are also the focus of Maybank's marketing efforts, with a focus on students, teenagers, and stay-at-home moms. In addition, Maybank focuses on young households searching for a mortgage who are between the ages of 25 and 42.
On Twitter, Maybank is well-represented on social media. Twitter was a successful platform for Maybank to interact with customers and acquire new ones. Maybank's social marketing is guided by moral principles. In order to connect with the target audience, Maybank uses a range of media, including videos, photos, GIFs, and advertisements.
3) Purpose
The convenience of selling products on social media platforms at any time and from anywhere is made possible by Maybank's social media presence. Due to the fact that moderate users use the online system for more transactions and banking activities, Maybank leverages social networks to enhance online banking usage. Customers can get updated information and leave feedback on Maybank's user-friendly website.

4) The successful and unsuccessful post
a) The successful post
Twitter is used by Maybank to alert all small and medium-sized
businesses to opportunities to explore the world of new possibilities.
The video's 37 seconds offer viewers the chance to easily accrue
points with no expiration date, recharge more than 1300 airport
lounges in 148 countries, and receive a personal concierge who can
cater to their specific needs. The advantages provided to small and
medium-sized businesses are what make this post successful.
b) The unsuccessful post
With Maybank EV Financing, which offers up to 90% margin of
financing, RM500 ParkEasy credits, and complimentary coverage for
EV Home Charger, Maybank uses Instagram to advertise preferred

and competitive rates on electric vehicles. Due to the fact that not all
Maybank clients drive electric cars, this post is unsuccessful.
Commerce International Merchant Bankers Berhad
1) The tone and language used
In addition to verbal and written words, CIMB posts on social media
with music and moving images. They adhere to accepted norms and
regulations. Users can better grasp how meaning is expressed through media
by looking at the tone and terminology used on CIMB's social media
platforms. In order to highlight the distinctive features and value of its product,
CIMB use graphics and visuals. They have a right-pointing white and red
arrow on a square of solid burgundy in their company's emblem, for instance.
It represents development, growth, and prosperity.
2) Target audiences
In their social media posts, CIMB focuses on appealing to high
net-worth Malaysians and foreign residents who live and work in Malaysia.
CIMB is one of largest commercial banks in the country. CIMB has 19 million
customers. CIMB uses social media like Facebook far more as it affords more
room to post images, information and private images. CIMB generally
includes direct marketing of products and services, promotion of sponsored
events, and informational announcements. CIMB uses social media to build
and rebuild their customer relationships by inviting their customers to
participate in the business.
3) Purpose
Through social media, CIMB assists the brand or business in
achieving its aims and objectives. People are brought together, supported,
and given access to resources and opportunities by CIMB. Customers can
also get low-cost loans from CIMB via social media. Many existing and
potential consumers, as well as others, are drawn and attempt to reap the
benefits. As part of its effort to attract new consumers on social media, CIMB
offers asset and wealth management, insurance products and services,
foreign exchange, and fund management services.
4) The successful and unsuccessful post
a) The successful post
CIMB uses Instagram to promote their offer which is 10% off
flight bookings with Qatar Airways. Their customers can enjoy this
offer with their CIMB Bank Cards until 28 February 2023. This post is
successful because their potential customer can take a break and land
at their dream destination with 10% off flight bookings.
b) The unsuccessful post
CIMB uses Twitter to provide vital information that its
automated teller machines, Malaysian Electronic Payment Systems,
cash deposit machines, and check deposit machines would be
momentarily unavailable. CIMB expresses regret for any trouble this
may have caused. Because of their unsatisfactory services, this post
is unsuccessful.

3. Conclusion
In my opinion, Maybank is the company that is most successful in achieving its goals
and connecting with its target audiences. This is due to Maybank's strategic use of social
media to reach their intended goal and target market. Maybank's ongoing success is a result
of constant innovation and a willingness to try new things.
I can offer guidance to CIMB, a less successful organization. First and foremost,
CIMB needs to promote financial literacy among its clients by providing them with
information. As Maybank handles its small and medium-sized business, banks can enhance
their service by positioning themselves as a reliable advisor to their small business clients.
Customers may also access self-service options from CIMB.
Overall, social media has an effective impact on Maybank and CIMB, especially in
terms of tone and language used, target audience, purpose and posts. Moreover, local
commercial banks in Malaysia have been using social media to communicate with their
customers. Banks in Malaysia are using social media for the purpose of engaging with their
customers, especially to assist in new product development or product innovation, to
enhance customer experience and service level, to build their organization’s image, to
implement promotion strategies and to develop a transparency strategy. Social media
benefits from targeting, advertising, compliance, customer service, and user experience,
which aids current financial services in fully understanding consu
